As a case, we are developing a webpage for BiosysNepal. The biosysNepal already has a webpage( The webpage is very informatic that provide as much as information as needed but they just want to change visual look that is they need visual identity for the company and for the product.This identity should help them in branding themselves and in presenting their product in an informative, interesting and attractive way first of all on their website but also in the packaging and print material. They want to focus on their work with organic, environmental, social responsible and fair trade issues.
Therefore we are developing webpage for biosysNepal, developing the visual identity for compnay and its branding.
- Why visual identity and branding become very important these days in the world of web?
- How can we explain idea visually for “BiosysNepal “that support theme of the company? (Organic, enviornmental and high quality)
Therefore, in this project we will be working with the visual identity and branding for "BiosysNepal".
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